Where do we go now?

Today was the first day we actually got to sit down and talk about what happened.
Of course,  if we wanted things to work then we had to set some ground rules and some things we need to work hard on to make us work. I mean, it is obvious that we want to be with each other.

At the end, things work out and honeslty, I definitely don’t want us to fight like how we did. I’m just hoping things will work out and it did.

Anywho, after fights or tears or anger where do we go from there? We kissed. (No shit,  Sherlock).
Ha, we move on. We look forward to future plans like, our most closest plan is going to PAX East.  It’s my first time going and I’m super excited.

But honestly, after all that pressure, I feel a lot better and now I feel like I can sleep soundly and better.

Too tired to talk. I’m sorry for this short blog post, but I will definitely talk more soon. Byee

Facebook Page

I don’t know if you guys heard.. but this year for Anime Boston 2014, I made my own cosplay and I also made my own facebook page to share my experience in the convention with you guys.
Though, I’m not famous, and I’m not really the best person in like crafting and making objects and cosplays. But I did it out of fun.

So please check it out and I apologize for not going on here enough. I really miss typing but life has been bumpy lately.


Here’s one photo of me and the cosplay I put together: