That 3 days left

For the past break so far, I’ve been at home and avoiding the cold (most of my friends are like that too), I mean I do live in the northeastern side ;__; It’s cold.
I did catch up with the tv shows such as “Let’s Eat” the Korean drama and also “Gossip Girl” since all my friends have watched and so does my guy.

As of right now, I am extremely excited for my New York City trip with my so called crush or 5 days and 4 nights. It’s going to be very fun! I’m also excited for cleaning my room and there’s only 3 days left before the trip and I’m also excited for donating my books as well as my clothes that I don’t wear.
I will definitely post a lot more and I might even stream my games since I haven’t stream in a while because my internet is extremely bad.
I will get back to you guys soon! 

Bad Lucky Girl

Not too sure about this topic but it’s could really relate to this day. A lot.
So this morning I had work at 5 AM, I couldn’t get into work because there was a shooting in front of my house and so the streets were blocked for investigations because there was very loud gun shots that has been made right where my porch was. But not only that, i was too tired and scared to leave my house, so there goes the money.

Then I went to work, it was a good day, and a lot of clients that wanted to sign up [i work for this social services program], and then when i got home, it was pretty relaxing.
I catch up with my korean dramas, painted my nailed, and took a nice shower. Then my best friend called me asking if he could take me out for dinner, so of course i said yes.

For one thing, when i was getting ready, I slipped down the stairs and fell. It was so painful.
Then when we went to eat and finished, I started to feel a little heated and hot. Very dizzy as well.

By the time I got off the train station that’s closest to my house, it was already 9:30 pm, and I got so dizzy and felt sick to my stomach that I collapsed on the ground and decided to rest there for a bit.

Worst thing happened, it started to rain and i started to feel cold. When my body feels cold, i start to get more stomach pains [my body is weird that way] and i just frozed and by the time i got home, all i did was lay in bed.
Which is what I’m doing right now, while typing this. Ha.

In all, bad luck really follows me, such as health wise [i always get sick or hurt or injured somehow in the worst way possible, sometimes near death], drama and social problems with unnecessary drama for no particular reason, or even from a rumor and lie, and etc.

But I’m not saying my life is all bad and all full of bad luck.

Hey, I must have done something right to have a family that cares for me like my parents and siblings.
AND I must have done something right to have this awesome best friend of mine.
AND I must have done something right to get that much good luck to find this wonderful guy that loves me and worries about me like crazy.

So even with this bad lucky nickname following around, I’m pretty lucky in many other ways too.