
Most of you guys know when I go on here or when I type some sort of post, it’s usually because I’m depress, or mad or just confused; but today, I’m going to talk to you about something different.

So today i woke up at 9 am and did a full workout and man, it felt awesome. I literally forced myself to workout but it was worth it. From there I ate breakfast and then showered, got dressed then left to an all you can eat free ice cream event in Boston. It was the Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl and I went with my boyfriend and with my friend and her boyfriend. We had a blast, ate 9 cups of ice cream and was full. Im not good with dairy so I went to the bathroom a lot today. After my boyfriend and I went for a walk around govt center then downtown and from there we went home.

We planned on going to the beach but it was so humid and we’re sore from working out and too full from all the ice cream. So at the end, he was sleeping then later playing games and I was putting in my ac, cleaning and make him drinks and food. Now I’m starting to get to the point of my post.

Yes, we had an argument.

Was there yelling ? Yes.

Did you cry ? Yes.

What’s the difference from this post to all the other posts ? I’m not mad at him.

So what? Let me get to the point now.

This all started from him being pissed at my internet and him losing the game. From that, he felt useless and like a failure from this game, therefore, an attitude was expected. He then laid on my bed and asked me what we should do tomorrow and that he won’t be able to see me until late at 5 pm. I was perfectly fine with that. I was folding clothes and cleaning and then I said, “if you’re cleaning and get tired, you can stay home if you want, I wouldn’t mind.”

This is where he started to make accusations about me. He said like, “oh you think i would take all day to clean or something?!” *with an attitude*
“Fine, I’ll just clean tonight so you can have me all day tomorrow”
“You always assume I’ll be lazy to clean and wouldn’t want to see you”
“I never asked you to suggest me anything!”

So…. when did I say all of that?
Of course I cried.
But it was because he was getting mad at me for no reason and it was from my suggestion.

I understand that he didn’t ask for my suggestion. But is it wrong that I did? I made no assumptions about how lazy he is, or if i wanted to see him or if I think he’ll take all day to clean.

All I wanted was to give him the option or resting if he needed it and it’s fine if he didn’t take my suggestion. I didn’t care. But it still didn’t give him the right to get mad at me.

So on the serious note: Never get mad about what you get. Just appreciate that you got any at all. 

Update: But not only that… the things you hear aren’t always what you think it is. At the end, what matters is the meaning of those things that you heard.