I’ve been very distracted lately.

Like I said on my last post I started school.
It’s Just been only 2 weeks since I started and I already changed off my french class to a communications class.

I also went through enlightenment to where I know what I wanted to major in, which is information systems.
I’m really into computer science and i want to stick with business.

Most inspirational speakers tell me that I will one day hit that moment to where I know what I want to do and I will fall in love with it.
And it happened.
I’m so grateful.

Also, that retail store that I worked at, yeah, I stopped working there after a month because the manager was just too rue to me and talked behind my back. I didn’t appreciate it. I reported her and then my friend offered me to a place to work, which is a CVS. Well it’s a way better pay than my retail job. But I also wanted to work possibly at an H&M.  (Apparently has a good pay) 
With school, I’m satisfied.
With my work life, I’ts getting there.

My love life. Ugh… It’s not exactly where I wanted it to be.
But I’m not looking too fondly over it.
The guy I like… at times he’s like a robot. Would it be bad if I just got really tired of him because I feel like he doesn’t really like me or cares for me?

Maybe he does, but like I said he’s like a robot. It’s always so hard to tell.
And he’s a man of weakness. He lets everything get to him.

The littlest things. From that, he can’t even handle or control his anger when there’s work and family.
He wanted to work on himself. But how can he do that if he just lets EVERYTHING gets to him.

How can he possibly handle me? 

Everyone is just frustrating me.
Feel so alone most of the time. People going to be around me and hanging out with me doesnt make me feel less lonely.

Well there you go.
I’ll be here again tomorrow because I have a lot of time on my hands nowadays.

By the way… my 20th birthday is on monday… yay…