Classes started

For some odd reason, I’ve started to think about how death felt like. 
It didn’t feel like going to classes on the days of when you want o be lazy but I thought about it.
Did you just die and darkness covers? Or do you become a spirit or ghost? or Possibly go to heaven, or hell or become earth-bound.
I’m not sure.
I think the reason why I was thinking about it was because a childhood friend of mine passed away and I just want to ask her, what’s it like? Don’t you miss it here? You passed away so young.
But she’s in a better place now.

Anywho, my winter break has ended and my classes have started.
I’m taking 6 courses in a total of 17 credits. 
I’m also still the VP of the club, Asian American Association and we are currently processing in our events for this year. 
I am now a taken girl.
He had finally asked me out and and but I will write about it in a different post some time soon. 
Along side with my New York Trip.

My classes have started and I’m not excited happy with all of it because I have to go through these crazy winter weather in Boston. 
My university’s campus is on a hill. 
Homework is starting to roll in and i’m just thinking really hard about the summer and my summer body. 
So I plan on trying my best to be as motivated as possible to lose weight and get toned for the next 4 months and lost at least 40 pounds. Which is 10 pounds a month. 
Wish me luck !

I’ll post something soon.

P.S. I don’t want to type too much because I’ll get into it too much and I’ll get sick.
I’m currently sick with a cold or fever.
So, farewell!

Topic: New Years’ Resolutions

Most people would set goals for themselves for the New Year and most would just give up even before they start.
I will be going into the last semester of my sophomore year of college and I’ve never been so excited. So let me explain my resolutions for you. Like every other year, I plan to lose weight. But the difference between this year and the last year and years before that, I fell in love.
This year, I want to feel happy for myself and do the best as much as I can.
My goal is to lose at least 45 pounds in my body before the summer.
I want to get better grades, though I have already achieved very good grades in my last semester, but I want to try so hard that I can get my scholarship back.
One of my other resolutions is to find a great internship suitable for me and from there i can work my way up to my career so I can figure out my future.

Though, I can sound like any other person who is all talk and is all confident right in the beginning. But this year will be different.
Again, I said it again. I made myself sound like everyone else.
I’m not any different.
But, I want to be a person that could finish what I started.
From this post, I hope everyone had a very good break and new years.

I also hope everyone had made some resolutions for yourself and follow up to it.
I’m leaving to New York City tomorrow.
I didn’t go all out on packing but I am a girl.

As a girl, I know this is weird, but i change in 3 outfits everyday and I change my undergarments about 2 to 3 times a day as well. This shows that I’m a weird person. Or just normal for you guys.
I will definitely take a lot of photos since I will be there for 5 days and 4 nights.
I also start classes the week after on Monday.
I’m too afraid to look for the books I need to buy.
I’m also afraid to getting into my classes as well. I will be having 6 courses and I felt sad when I found out I won’t be able to have to much time with the person I love.

Maybe he’ll enjoy the space.
But I’ll certainly feel a little lonely without him. 

I’m sorry.

School has started and I always feel like I’ve abandoned my blog.
So I apologize.
School hasn’t really been stressful, but it’s more time consuming. 
I’m a sophomore this year and including having to take 6 classes as well as doing club activities as vice president of the club im in (yay meee~~), it just takes a lot of time out of my hands.

Let’s see what is there to update?
Well, on Sept 16th, my best friends and even the guy i like was ignoring me for 2 weeks to plan out a surprise party for me.
It was a surprise that I almost cried. Well I did.
To me, it was extremely thoughtful. 

Now I just want to do my best to make the best of all my friends’ birthdays and as well as my older sister. She’s turning 22 in October. 4th.

Anywho, I’m still single… (haha~~~…) and my friends and i are still good. But I haven’t gotten a chance to hang out out with them much. 
Hopefully, I can make it up to them if I catch up on my classes.
Being sick and also still being in my summer stage, makes it really hard.

But, I promise to write more because I really miss this.
This is the moment when I listen to music and just type or sometimes in silence.

Well see you soon! Time to catch up on my anime xD